Teotihuacan - City of the Gods,,,
is just south of Mexico City. The largest pyramids are the pyramid of the Sun and Moon, they were said to be built by and earlier race of giants from the first world. After the completion of the pyramids these giants turned into Gods. That is why today Teotihuacan means the city of the gods.

According to the legend of the Aztec and their myths, it is believed that the Gods gathered and started to decide which one of them to sacrifice so to become the "fifth sun" burning bright and giving life to the world. One of the Gods volunteer and thus jumped into the flame but nothing happens. So all of the Gods jump into the flame sacrificing themselves for mankind. This causes the government to be established and the birth of the Aztec civilization begins.

Once again I find that Austin seems to gloss over a complex bit of history to fit his preconceived ideas.. The Legend of the Fifth Sun, to which I think he may be referring, is the Aztec creation myth of which there are several due to the oral traditions of the culture. From what I understand he appears to have combined different versions. Here is one such version:

The wickedness of the Nephilim carried with it a heavy toll. Genesis 6:5 alludes to the corruption that the Nephilim had caused amongst humans and themselves: "The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become..." Their evil rebellion had incurred both the wrath and grief of God. God instructed the angel Gabriel to ignite a civil war among the Nephilim. He also chose Enoch, a righteous man, to inform the fallen angels of the judgment pronounced on them and their children. God did not allow the fallen angels any peace, for they could not lift their eyes to heaven and were later to be chained. The end of the Nephilim came about in the war incited by Gabriel, in which the giants eventually annihilated each other. (Nephilim, Judd H. Burton)
The Legend of the Fifth Sun [http://archaeology.about.com/od/Aztec-Religion/a/Aztec-Creation-Myth.htm]

According to Aztec mythology, their world was the fifth era of a cycle of creation and destruction, during which different gods first governed the earth through a dominant element, and then destroyed it. These worlds were called suns.

The creator of the world was the god Ometeotl, who was both male and female and gave birth to the four Tezcatlipocas of the East, North, South and West. These gods eventually created the world and all the other deities.

Next they had to give light to humans and in order to do this, one of the gods had to sacrifice himself into a fire. The first god to sacrifice himself was Tezcatlipoca. This First world was inhabited by giants and came to an end when the giants were devoured by jaguars.

The Second world, or sun, was governed by Quetzalcoatl and the earth was populated by humans. This world came to an end through hurricanes and floods. The survivors fled to the top of the trees and were transformed into monkeys.

The Third Sun was dominated by water and its ruling deity was Tlaloc. People who inhabited this world ate aquatic seeds. This world came to an end when the god Quetzalcoatl made it rain fire and ashes. The humans who didn’t die became birds and the others were replaced by other animals.

The Fourth Sun was governed by the goddess Chalchiuthlicue, sister and wife of Tlaloc. A great flood marked the end of this world and all the people were transformed into fish. A further version of the myth tells that at the end of this epoch the gods gathered at Teotihuacan to decide who had to sacrifice him/herself in order for the new world to begin. The god Huehuetéotl, the old fire god, started a sacrificial bonfire, but none of the most important gods wanted to jump into the flames. Only the old god Nanahuatzin had the courage to jump into the flames and became the new sun.

The Fifth Sun was the world in which the Aztecs lived. Tonatiuh the sun god was the ruling deity. The Aztecs considered themselves “the People of the Sun” and therefore their duty was to nourish the Sun god through blood offerings and sacrifices. Failing of doing this would have caused the end of their world and the disappearing of the sun from the sky. This world is characterized by the sign Ollin, which means movement. According to Aztec beliefs, this indicated that this world would come to an end through earthquakes.

A version of this myth is recorded on the famous Aztec Calendar Stone, a colossal stone sculpture whose images referred to one version of this creation tale linked to Aztec history.


This glossary entry is a part of the About.com guide to Aztec Civilization, and the Dictionary of Archaeology.

Adams, Richard E.W., 1991, Prehistoric Mesoamerica. Third Edition. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Taube, Karl A., 1993, Aztec and Maya Myths. Fourth Edition. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.

Van Tuerenhout Dirk R., 2005, The Aztecs. New Perspectives, ABC-CLIO Inc. Santa Barbara, CA; Denver, CO and Oxford, England.

As you can see not a simple as Austin makes one believe. One has to bear in mind religion was extremely important in Aztec life. Like other Mesoamerican religions, it had elements of human sacrifice in connection with a large number of religious festivals which were held according to patterns of the Aztec calendar. It had a large and ever increasing pantheon; the Aztecs would often adopt deities of other geographic regions or peoples into their own religious practice. A common Aztec religious practice was the recreation of the divine: Mythological events would be ritually recreated and living persons would impersonate specific deities and be revered as a god - and often ritually sacrificed.

Once again we see pyramids built by giants who consider themselves Gods. These Gods instructed the people to sacrifice humans to please them. The early Jewish writings which expound upon the Genesis verses , describe many more details about the Nephilim. Their blood thirsty traits were carried out here at Teotihuacan.

I would have hoped that Austin would have been specific as to what sources he did use instead of stating "early Jewish writings." Not very specific.

These pyramids like those in China and Mayan, were built by giants and had astronomical implications. Were the Nephilim trying to duplicate the Giza plateau?

In Austin's other documentary "The Center of the World" he presents his research of ancient texts and the relationship to the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. In this video Austin concludes that the Giza plateaus is the middle of the earth as described in early Jewish writings. Through the ancient historian Josephus, Austin explains that the Great Pyramid is one of the "Pillars of Seth" which was to be an astronomical record for all future generations.

This video will be next on my list as I am curious as to the relation to the current video.

The Nephilim were perverting all of God's creation and attempting to replace God. Thus we see an obvious plan, claim all creation as theirs and the complete obliteration of man. We see that plan being carried out at Teotihuacan.

I am unsure as to how Austin comes to this conclusion based on what he presents in his video. Even buy his own reasoning the Nephilim were destroyed in the flood. But upon further reading of his website:

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days --and also afterwards."(Genesis 6:4). Perhaps some of the Nephilim, being half angelic, were able to rise above the flood by their supernatural power or some craft they engineered. Enoch tells us of their great powers on and above the earth. They had 120 years to repent. Noah was preaching and building the Ark during this time. The Book of Giants states some of them had dreams and knowledge of the oncoming disaster. Could some of them prepare a plan to escape the flood?

The Bible says God destroyed all living things. It also says some of the Nephilim survived. “And also after that” Genesis 6:4. Only 8 people and the animals boarded the Ark. These verses demand a response from us. They appear in scripture well after the flood.. How did they survive?

One theory states they went into the earth.
And I said to the Grigori: I saw your brethren and their works, and their great torments, and I prayed for them, but the Lord has condemned them to be under earth till the existing heaven and earth shall end for ever - 2 Enoch 18:5
It seems more logical to go above the earth. As they interbreed after the flood their powers and stature diminished through the years, as did man. David slew the last of them. There are some Rabbinical stories about Og the soul survivor of the Nephilim. (Book of Og) [http://thenephilim.us]

So is he is suggesting that some of the Nephilim did survive the flood even though the Burton quote said they where annihilated? Again something to explore further.

This "City of the Gods represents astronomical pyramids and temples with blood thirsty sacrifices which where built by giants.

Graham Hancock clip -
My sense is that we're missing a huge part of the human story. I think it is possible, even probable, we are a species with amnesia; we've lost the record of our story going back thousands of years before so called history began. I think if we could go back into that dark epoch, we would discover many astounding things about ourselves.