A New perspective of Megalithic Structures Is there evidence of giants on earth? Most people don't even think about giants. If they do, it is in a imaginary conception. If you do not believe in the Bible, then this idea seems foolish. Some believe the stories of the Bible are just analogies intended for a life teaching experience. I consider the Bible to be the most accurate form of truth in this world. (Would like to know how he justifies this statement and what exactly is truth.)

The subject of giants on earth is probably not for everyone, it seems to be a subject for the scholars and a few believers. Austin compares the evidence for giants to a few to an illusional picture which we are all familiar with:
You see one idea turn it around and you see something else, not evident in the first perspective. Everyone is susceptible to these psychological illusions. The problem Austin illustrates, is that most people do not turn the picture around.

There is also a mysterious spiritual principle involved in this scenario. This is probably why most people do not understand, perhaps for hidden reasons.
Austin base his research on faith in the Bible, a core of truth in early Jewish writings, other ancient texts (I am assuming that these are his primary texts as per his website: The Bible, 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, Book of Giants, Book of Jubilees, Book of Jasher, Testament of Solomon, Flavius Josephus, Book of Adam, Book of Bee, Cave of Treasures, Legends of the Jews, Gnostic Gospels, Sumerian Tablet, Gilgamesh Epic, Tel Dan Stone) and existing archeological artifacts. (What artifacts?) These ancient cultures where not ignorant as we have been led to believe. They were highly intelligent in mathematics, physics, engineering and astronomy.

Austin goes on to introduce a new perspective of the megalithic structures around the world and their myths. Maybe at the center of these myths are elements of truth.

Pyramids of China
According to ancient Chinese legend over 100 pyramids discovered in China are the legacy of extraterrestrial visitors. When local villagers were asked about he pyramids they said that they were built by the ancient giants. When they questioned the custodians of a local monastery about them they where told that according to records housed at the monastery the pyramids where said to be very old.

Since the records were themselves over 5000 years old, one can only guess at the age of the pyramids themselves. The traders where told that the pyramids belonged to an age when the old Emperors reigned in China and that the Emperors always stressed the fact that they were not from earth. Rather they were the descendants of the "sons of heaven" who roared down to this planet on their fiery dragons.

Until recently, Chinese officials have rebuffed all questions about these pyramids and all requests to view them. And yet, over this century, a certain mythology has grown up around them. An American trader, stumbling upon these amazing structures in 1912, asked his Buddhist monk-guide about them. He was told that 5,000-year-old monastic documents not only contained information about these pyramids, but said the pyramids were extremely old when these records were made.

The trader, Fred Meyer Schroder, observed several smaller pyramids in the distance. He wrote in his travel diary that his first sight of the giant pyramid, along with its smaller cousins, rendered him almost speechless. [http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramides_china_3.htm]

According to legend, one hundred pyramids in China are proof aliens have visited our planet, reports Pravda online. The mystery behind the claim begins with the journey of two Australian merchants to the vast plains of Sichuan in central China during the early part of the last century.

While there, the men stumbled upon pyramids that were first described in writings more than five-thousand years ago.

A monk related the history of the pyramids to the men, revealing they were built when China was ruled by ancient emperors who believed in the existence of extra-terrestrial civilizations. In fact, the emperors not only believed in aliens, they insisted they themselves were descendants of "the sons of the sky." They gave their alien ancestors credit for the construction of the architectural wonders and claimed the aliens came to earth on "iron dragons."

Fast forward almost a century later to the year 1994, Austrian Hartwig Hausdorf made a trip to central China near the city of Xi'an, the capital of the Shaanxi province. While there, Hausdorf stumbled upon six of the legendary structures. Amazed by what he had seen, he returned later that year with a video camera. His footage recorded more than one hundred pyramids in an area of approximately twelve-hundred square miles.

According to the Pravda report, the structures range in height from eighty to three hundred feet, with one exception. The so-called "Great White Pyramid" just north of the others is said to be almost one-thousand feet tall. The pyramids are composed of clay and sand and are in poor condition because farmers have removed the soil over the years for their fields. Excavations are now banned, and the area surrounding the so-called "Great White Pyramid" was recently declared completely off-limits by the Chinese government.

Ironically, that very same area is now used as a launch site for rockets – modern-day civilization's very own "iron dragons." [http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramides_china_4.htm]

The traders were told that the pyramids had been built by visitors "from the heavens". It is interesting that the monastery custodians used the phrase "sons of heaven" this is the same terminology in the bible in Gen 6:4:
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Are the fiery metallic dragons actually the Merkabah? The chariots of fire? Ezekiel and Elijah both speak of a craft driven by angels - Cherubim - with the Lord in the very center. This was actually the design of the Ark of the Covenant. God would descend and his presence was in the very middle between the Cherubim. The Israelites called His presence the Merkabah.

Ezekiel 1: 4,5-
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
2Kings 2:11-
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
There seems to be a direct link between between the pyramid's legend and the fallen angels, or "sons of heaven", the Nephilim in the Bible. But who really built these pyramids?

Early Jewish writings tell us the Giza plateau was built by the children of Seth assisted by an angel.

Were the pyramids of China built by the Nephilim in and attempt to duplicate the "pillars of Seth" ? There is no solid evidence but only the local legends. These pyramids where not built with stones and resemble the pyramids of South America. An just like all pyramids there is an astronomical factor. Scholars say the practice of human sacrifice is recorded in China's earliest writings, dating back as far as the Shang Dynasty 400 years ago.

In summary, the China pyramids tell of the legend of giants, astronomy and human sacrifice.

Merkabah, Cherubim, Ark of the Covenant, Sethian pyramids, Pillars of Seth, none are able to be explained IMHO in such a off-hand way. Astrotheology is not a subject that can be described in a few sentences, and I'm a bit disappointed the Austin went that route. As much as I would like to expound upon them, time and space at the moment won't permit and will take away my original intent.

Something to keep in the back of mind especially if these subjects come up again in future posts.