Man Walked with Dinosaurs
There is new existing evidence that indicates the man was walking with dinosaurs. This entire century we have been told that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago and became extinct before the arrival of man. These theories, which are based on Darwin's theory of evolution are absurd and shameful. Scientists and educators have gone to great length to keep out the creation story form schools throughout the US. You have to ask yourself why?

(Might be because the creation story is not science. Public school is no place for religious rhetoric or dogma. One would then have to ask, which creation story as the biblical account is not the only one.)

There is corruption in this agenda and their selective scientific methods. Scientists will tell you if evidence is contaminated then carbon dating will be wildly inaccurate. If you accept the flood theory then everything was under water for a year, this is no doubt that the evidence before the flood is contaminated.

Carl Baugh - Anthropologist (Founder of Creation Evidence Museum) clip - 
My reaction was one of shock, I have heard of human footprints being found in this locale, on the Paluxey in Glen Rose, TX but I was rather skeptical. After removing actual rock layers, the team and I excavated a series of dinosaur footprints and 18 1/2" from one of those dinosaur footprints we excavated a 16" human footprint. We excavated 12 footprints in series. And when you find a trail with left-right, left-right pacing stride the right distance apart, then you have to interpret this as belonging to human kind.

[,,,] Well we found the trail leading under limestone ledges and actually removed the limestone ledges one slab of rock at a time and we found that both the dinosaur foot prints and the trail of human footprints continued under the rock ledges.

This evidence is real.
(Mysterious Origins of Man - Part 1 - 10:51 and 11:47)

No the evidence is not real -

The "Burdick Print"

See also: The Wild World of Creationism by Frank R. Zindler

Dr. Ronnie Hastings, a friend of mine from Waxahachie, Texas, learned from Marian Taylor that the bigfoot print -- generally known as the Caldwell print -- was a fake. Although every scientist who has ever seen the print or a cast of it has known immediately that it was a fake, it was nice to get corroboration from a creationist. According to Hastings,
Marian Taylor revealed that this print, whose cast is in prominent display in Baugh's Creation Evidence Museum and a copy of which was sent to contributors of Louisiana's Creation Legal Defense Fund, was actually bought at Glen Rose as a carving by the Taylors in the 1960s and [was] not found in the Paluxy riverbed as claimed by Baugh.... Jacob McFall identified the cast as a copy of a carving done by one of the Adams brothers of Glen Rose carved-footprint fame. Mrs. Taylor was not very pleased about the false claims concerning the cast displayed by Rev. Baugh.(16)

It should be noted that during the Great Depression, a number of Glen Rose Residents took to carving "fossil" footprints to sell to gullible city slickers. Among those city slickers were a number of creationists, who found the prints confirmation of both the Garden of Eden and Noah's Flood.
I won't even touch Baugh's alleged credentials. Let's just say they are dubious at best. Altho IMHO credentials is not what makes a claim valid. "Not having science degrees is no crime; however, misrepresenting one's credentials is another matter." (See: 

And on more for good measure Dr. Carl Baugh. Make that two, I lied: NBC’s Origins Show

Website - Creation Evidence Musuem

Dr. Dale Peterson - MD clip -
I first saw the Burdick print on my initial visit to Glen Rose in 1984. My impression at that time was it was too perfect. But it is clearly a human footprint demonstrating the heal section, the arch, the base of the metatarsals, the first (great) toe, the second,,,,
(Mysterious Origins of Man - Part 1 - 12:28)  

Don Patton - Geologist clip - 
After our examination of the is print we find that it definitely is in the cretaceous limestone in the same formation with the dinosaur foot prints.

If you were looking at a cross-section we can see very obvious following contours under the great toe and actually structures under each one. Where we see the calcite inclusion, the force was concentrated and produced these load bearing structures which are exactly what geologists look for.

We have eliminated the idea that it is carved, it is definitely an original impression in the sediment.  (Mysterious Origins of Man - Part 1 12:51)

Don Patton is a close associate of Carl Baugh mentioned above and like Baugh his educational credential have been severely criticized and questioned.

Altho I don't always agree with what Baugh and Patton "preach" I do find their ideas fascinating. I'm not one to criticize a person's education or credentials as I am self educated after being an utter failure with my college career. Tho I do not put any more emphasis on something because it is scriptural [as an atheist the Bible holds absolutely no authority in my life or how I live my life], I find the mind bend it provides intriguing.

Michael Cremo - Forbidden Archeology clip -
Over all I think we are talking a massive cover-up, as I have said, over the past 150 years these archeologists and anthropologist have covered up as much evidence as they have dug up,,,literally. (Mysterious Origins of Man - Part 1- 5:41 )

Michael A. Cremo (born July 15, 1948, Schenectady, New York), also known as Drutakarma Dasa, is an American Hindu creationist whose work argues that humans have lived on the earth for billions of years. Cremo's book, Forbidden Archeology, has attracted attention from Hindu creationists and paranormalists, but has been criticized by many mainstream scholars for his unorthodox views on archeology. Scholars of the mainstream archaeological and paleoanthropological communities have described his work as pseudoscience. Cremo identifies himself as a "Vedic creationist." []

One of many criticisms -
Michael Cremo's book "Forbidden Archaeology" makes a number of claims, chiefly that creatures comparable to modern humans have walked the Earth for millions of years, instead of the hundreds of thousands postulated by most scientists.

Cremo's "research" is deeply flawed, relying upon resources from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the book ignores newer data that contradicts his claims. Disregarding all the current research on human evolution, Cremo barrels on making comical claim after comical claim, never providing any solid data to back up his fantasy land.

[,,,] "Forbidden Archaeology" makes a lot of claims based upon inaccurate data. The sheer volume of bad data gives it a sheen of believability, mainly because it would take so much time to examine each piece of flawed information. In the end, Cremo doesn't support his claims with reliable source material.

The question at hand is this:

Is Cremo an incompetent researcher with a poor grasp upon reality, or an outright fraud, intent upon deceiving people to sell books? []

Websites -

Forbidden Archeology - Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race - HUMAN DEVOLUTION: A VEDIC ALTERNATIVE TO DARWIN'S THEORY

Richard L. Thompson - Forbidden Archeology clip -
Basically what you find is something we call a "knowledge filter" this is a fundamental feature of science, also a fundamental feature of human nature. People tend to filter out things that don't fit, that don't make sense in terms to their paradigm or their way of thinking.

So in science you find that evidence that doesn't fit the accepted paradigm tends to be 'eliminated'. It is not taught, it is not discussed and people who are educated in scientific teachings generally don't even learn about it.
(Mysterious Origins of Man - Part 1- 5:55)

If this is the case, how can Thompson explain the progress made within many scientific fields in the last century alone? Many new ideas have come along to upset existing paradigms his argument that scientists have ingrained antipathy to new or controversial ideas doesn't add up. []

Source of the above clips: Mysterious Origin of Man - On February 25, 1996, NBC broadcast the controversial one-hour special, The Mysterious Origins of Man. In this program, many alternative views of man's origins were presented, revealing that there are still many unanswered questions.