Echoes of Enoch You are not here by chance, call it divine appointment or synchronicity, you are here for an important opportunity to hear some truths about UFOs and the "Alien Agenda". This perspective includes every aspect of the paranormal and supernatural. I hope you will make the most of this fateful moment and begin a journey to understand a true Biblical perspective .> Echoes of Enoch web site is one of the oldest on going sites with a message that is fast becoming a new awakening within the church and our society today. This site is based on three decades of experience in Christian ministry and a life long interest and study of UFOs. (for me, almost half a century!) This website contains ten years of intensive study as a researcher for M.U.F.O.N. and is vast in content. We offer first hand experience having spanned these decades with personal involvement and research covering the US continent . I promise you this site can provide answers to questions and explanations of Bible stories misunderstood for centuries or completely unknown until now.