Paranormal Sarah - Sarah Harmon

[Disclaimer: Sarah is a fellow host on ParaMania Radio where I am also associated as a host and podcaster. Altho we are associates, so to speak, it has no bearing on her inclusion in this list. I love her passion and how her mind works. She is not afraid to broach subjects that many others shy away from.]

"MISSION : 'To conduct research within the field of parapsychology that will allow those suffering from visual or audio anomalies that cannot be explained by rational science to have a place of refuge. To help fight the misdiagnosis of paranormal activity and mental illness and to offer a helping hand and open heart to those in need of validation.' "

Pamela Heath

"I have a lot of interests. Mostly, I think of myself as an author and paranormal expert. This website is devoted to my publications and providing free information about the field of parapsychology. You can translate it to your preferred language using the Google Translate dropdown box to the right. "Parapsychology has only three fields of study: ESP, mind-matter interaction, and the survival of bodily death. You'll find much of this in the Help and Resources section, where I provide definitions for key parapsychology terms and have FAQ pages that answer many commonly asked questions and provide how-to information."